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Pengenalan Tibetan Buddhism

Wajrayana atau kadang ditulis Vajrayana, adalah suatu ajaran Buddha yang di Indonesia lebih sering dikenal dengan nama Tantra atau Tantrayana. Namun banyak juga istilah lain yang digunakan, seperti misalnya: mantrayana, ajaran mantra rahasia, ajaran Buddha eksoterik. Wajrayana adalah merupakan ajaran yang berkembang dari ajaran Buddha Mahayana, dan berbeda dalam hal praktek, bukan dalam hal fil...

Pengenalan Tentang Palyul

Apa itu palyul? Palyul adalah salah satu 6 Biara Induk ari Sekolah Nyingma atau Tradisi Terjemahan Awal dari Buddhisme Tibet. Biara ini didirikan pada tahun 1665 di Provinsi Kham, Tibet Timur (sekarang Baiyu, Sichuan, China) oleh Kunzang Sherab, Pemegang Tahta Pertama Palyul. His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche (kiri), Pemegang Tahta ke-12 adalah Pemimpin Silsilah Palyul saat ini. Sebagaimana ya...

Minggu, 20 November 2016 15:11

The short Biography of H.H. Penor Rinpoche (1932-2009)

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Eleventh throne holder of Palyul Tradition

The third Drubwang Pema Norbu ("Penor") Rinpoche is the 11th Throne holder of the Palyul Lineage of Nyingma. He is considered one of the foremost masters of the Buddhist tradition of Tibet. Throughout the Buddhist community he is respected for his vast knowledge and accomplishment and for the integrity and strength with which he upholds the Buddhist teachings. H.H. Penor Rinpoche was born in the Powo region of Kham East Tibet to father Sonam Gyurme and mother Dzom Kyi during the twelfth month of the lunar calendar the year of the Water Monkey (1932). Khenpo Ngaga foresaw exceptional destiny for the new incarnation. In 1936, the year of the Fire Mouse, the young Penor Rinpoche was invited to the Palyul monastery where he took refuge with the greats and learned masters. Khenpo Ngaga performed the traditional hair cutting ceremony and gave him the name Dhongag Shedrup Tenzin.

Khenpo Ngaga then granted him the long life empowerment of Amitayus and composed the long-life prayer which is till chanted daily by thousands of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche's followers all over the world. His Holiness Penor was formally enthroned by his master Thubten Chokyi Dawa (1894-1959) the second Choktul Rinpoche, and Karma Thekchok Nyingpo (1908-1958) the fourth Karma Kuchen. In time, Penor Rinpoche would become the eleventh throne holder of Palyul Monastery with its more than four hundred branch monasteries. He spent years at Palyul, studying and receiving teachings from numerous masters and scholars, including 4th Karma Kuchen, who carefully prepared him as his successor.

After the invasion of China in 1963, His Holiness settled in Bylakuppe in south India and began the daunting project of establishing Namdroling Monastery under extremely harsh conditions. Today, Namdroling houses around 5000 monks and 900 nuns and is one of the thriving centers of excellence for Tibetan culture and religious training. The complex consists of a school, a college for Higher Buddhist Studies, a retreat centre, a nunnery, a hospital and a home for the elderly. His Holiness is also actively involved in helping local Indians through education and health care. In addition, His Holiness has managed to rebuild the monasteries in Tibet and reintroduced Buddhist study and practice. Simultaneously he has set up a network of palyul centers in other parts of the world such as in United States of America, England, Greece, Canada, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippine,  Macao etc.

His Holiness is considered the reincarnation of Vajrapani and living embodiment of Vimalaitra, who brought the Dzongchen teaching in Tibet. One of the few prominent masters in the Nyingma tradition. His Holiness is renowned as both a scholar and as a leading figure in meditation by hundreds of thousands of followers worldwide. Throughout the Tibet communities, His Holiness renowned for his personal integrity, will power, determination and magnanimity in propagating the teaching of the Buddha. His Holiness served as the Supreme Head of the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism for over ten years.

As always, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche works tirelessly for the dissemination of Buddhism in all part of the world. He has founded Dharma centers in the  USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan etc.
The 11th Throne holder of the Palyul Lineage of the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche passed away, entering the stage of Thugdam, the final stage of meditation, as of 8:20 PM on Friday, March 27, 2009, at the Namdroling Monastery in Bylauppe, South India.  His Holiness Penor Rinpoche remained in Thugdam for almost eight days until Friday April 3, 2009. Present days, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche's holy body is preserved in the first floor of Zangdog palri Temple of Namdroling Monastery in order to receive blessing for the devotees around the world.
His Holiness Penor Rinpoche is one of the last greatest Master upholding the complete and realization of the Nyingma or Ancient Tradition. His Holiness visible achievements are too numerous to list fully, not to mention the full spectrum of his hidden activates for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Dibaca 9861 kali Last modified on Minggu, 20 November 2016 15:37

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